Dr. Khan is a member of the IAPAM (International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine) and has been specializing in medical aesthetics for over 18 years. Certified in Breast Augmentation by the National Society of Cosmetic Physicians and in Liposuction by the American Academy of Cosmetic Physicians, Dr. Khan is also one of the pioneers in Smartlipo technology, having performed over 4000 procedures. His expertise includes 360 liposuction, targeting areas such as the chin, abdomen, back, and flanks, as well as male breast reduction. Additionally, Dr. Khan specializes in mole and wart removal, toxin and filler injections, and hair restoration treatments.
StudioMD provides a variety of chemical peels that can be utilites in the treatment of acne problems. In certain cases chemical peels can be sequentially combined with other methods of acne treatment, in order to achive best results. Dr. Khan provides complementary consultaions in order to determine what treatment protocal would best fit your skin condition. Some of the chemical peels offered at StudioMD include:
• ViPeel
• AHA Peel
• TCA Peel
VI PEEL ACNE is one of the most effective Acne treatments available today! We offer this peel at all our clinics including in White Plains. VI PEEL ACNE contains a peel formula plus powerful ingredients for superior, consistent results for patients:
• Benzoyl Peroxide removes bacteria, clears the pores & increases cell turnover
• Salicylic Acid: causes the cells of the epidermis to shed, opening clogged pores and neutralizing the bacteria within while constricting the pore diameter to prevent further clogging
• Vitamin C: A powerful antioxidant to remove toxins from the environment Kojic Acid: brightens skin and reduces acne scars *
Photo dynamic Acne Treatment (PDT) also known as Photo dynamic Therapy or “ALA/PDT" or "Levulan with IPL" treatment is a new procedure that treats resistant, hard-to-treat active acne and acne scars. The procedure, combines Photo Genesis (IPL) or light and Levulan. Levulan is a special light-activated topical photosensitizing agent made of a 20% solution of Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA).*
ALA is a “natural” product found in all humans throughout the body. The Levulan, which is a clear painless solution, is applied to your skin and left on for 15-60 minutes. The Levulan is absorbed by active cells like acne sebaceous glands, making the targeted acne cells more sensitive to the light. During the procedure, the ALA is activated with the use of Photo Genesis (IPL) light which is far more effective than blue light or other light spectrums. This combined interaction of the solution and the Photo Genesis is what gives rise to the term "Photo dynamic therapy." *
Treatments target and destroy acne activity leaving your skin smoother, and in many cases makes it possible to discontinue the use of antibiotics such as Accutane. Levulan has been used extensively for the treatment of a variety of different skin conditions including actinic keratosis, sun damage, and fine lines. Blotchy pigmentation are also improved because of the positive effect of Levulan and the light treatment. ALA/PDT treatments also have the ability to minimize pores and reduce oil glands, effectively treating stubborn acne vulgaris, acne rosacea. *
Prior to Photo dynamic Acne Treatment, the best available treatment option for resistant and cystic acne was Accutane. However, with Accutane there are many systemic side effects including birth defects, liver abnormalities, mood depression, and virtually all patients get dryness and night vision changes. Systemic treatments are any medications that are taken orally, injected or infused that affect the entire body system. *
Photo-dynamic acne treatment provides a viable alternative to all types of acne treatment without having negative systemic effects.
Presctiption medication continues to be one of the potential solutions for acne problems. In certain cases medication can be sequentially combined with other methods of acne treatment, in order to achive best results. Dr. Khan provides complementary consultaions in order to determine what treatment protocal would best fit your skin condition.