How does laser hair removal work?
The laser targets the darkness of the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. Since melanin is only produced in the growth phase of the hair, the laser must target the hair follicle during this cycle. At any given time, 10-20% of the hair in a particular area may be in a growth phase. Therefore, more than one treatment needs to be scheduled, preferably at 6-8 week intervals. With multiple treatments all hair follicles can be disabled.
How many treatments will be needed?
Laser treatment impairs the growth of hair follicles when they are in the growth (or anagen) cycle at the time of treatment. Unfortunately, not all hair follicles are at this stage at the same time. Therefore, for effective hair removal, most people require approximately four to five treatments to achieve the desired results. The number of sessions also depends on the treatment you require and the condition of your skin.
All laser treatments are performed by fully trained and certified practitioners. We have nearly 10 years of experience in laser hair removal and our esthetician are certified by numerous industry authorities and laser device providers, including Cutera, Candela and Cynosure.
Risks are minimal. There is no recovery or down time. Patients can return to their normal activities immediately. After the treatment you may experience a slight reddening of the skin similar to a sunburn that will resolve within a few hours to days. In certain instances (especially in patients with darker complexions) temporary pigment changes may occur, but will disappear within a month.
This is a common initial concern for many of our patients. Our lasers use a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin at the treatment site before, during, and after laser exposure. Therefore, the treatment is generally not painful and is well tolerated. Some patients describe the treatment as a sensation like the snap of a rubber band and "much less painful than the waxing I used to subject myself to." Topical anesthetic cream is an option for more sensitive areas.
Results vary depending on skin and hair type. Studies have shown that many patients can achieve hair reduction of up to 85-90% and remaining hair returns lighter and softer. Results vary depending on patient.
Does my hair need to be grown out before the treatment?
No. Actually we recommend that you shave the area to be treated. The only reason we sometimes recommend our clients to leave the hair long is so that we can identify the texture of the hair. This can be done easily by looking at the other body parts where there is hair. Waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or any other method that removes the hair must be discontinued at least a week prior to treatment.
Will I have to use any topical anaesthetics before my treatment?
Absolutely not. In most cases it is not recommended to use any topical numbing preparations (prescription or non-prescription) prior to laser hair removal. The DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device) that lasers are equipped with eliminates the need for any topical numbing preparations. Before every laser pulse, cryogen (cooling agent) is automatically sprayed onto the skin within the laser field that protects and partially numbs that area. This makes the treatment safer and more comfortable.
How long will the procedure take?
Full legs or a back can be treated in just 20 minutes. GentleLASE uses an 18mm spot size (about the size of a quarter). This larger spot size coupled with more hertz (power), means a faster and more effective treatment. A full back, for example, can be treated in less than 20 minutes and full legs in less than 25 minutes.
Laser treatments are very safe. Our lasers are FDA approved and use the best technology for delivering the safest treatment. All of our technicians are certified and experienced with providing treatments to fit your needs.
Treatment plans vary for hair removal but generally consist of 6-8 sessions for the shoulders and below, and 8-10 treatments for the neck and above.
Is it safe for darker skin types?
Yes. Every day we treat dark skin types with our Yag laser, which is gentler on darker tones. Laser technology has advanced in recent years, and in the past it was difficult or impossible for a client with darker skin to be treated. The Yag laser ensures that darker skin types, can receive effective and safe treatments.
Although our prices are measured per area, it is best for us to evaluate the area in person. We always offer free consultations, and cost will vary according to treatment plan, areas to be treated, and amount of hair. Clients may pay per treatment, but we also offer package discounts and multiple area discounts We also often run specials on the website.
Most areas can be treated. The laser is most effective on dark, course hair, as well as it's an excellent treatment for ingrown hairs. Our technicians will assess your areas of concern and help you get your results.
Will I experience hair growth between my treatments?
Our goal is that you never have to shave again once you start your treatments. Generally, treatments are scheduled around growth cycles, so if you keep to your treatment schedules, you should never have to shave. Since treatment time could vary, you may see some growth between appointments. We can then try to adjust your treatments to give you the best result. It is important to note, however, that if you need to remove hair between treatments, shaving is the preferred method. Do not wax or tweeze the hair.
Why is laser a better option over IPL or electrolysis?
With electrolysis, each hair is individually destroyed within each follicle. A laser has a much greater coverage area, and will penetrate several follicles with each pulse. While electrolysis can eliminate fine and light hairs, the result of a laser treatment is faster, less painful and more managable. An IPL is more effective for pigmentation problems or skin conditioning treatments.